- [5]
- Jonas Frank and Mathias Schulze. On the triangulated structure of stable monomorphism categories. arXiv:2502.20942, 2025. [ file | http ]
- [4]
- Jonas Frank and Mathias Schulze. The stabilized bounded n-derived category of an exact category. arXiv:2407.18708, 2024. [ file | http ]
- [3]
- Cornelia Rottner and Mathias Schulze. Gröbner basics for mixed Hodge modules. arXiv:1809.10473, 2018. [ file | http ]
- [2]
- Corina Birghila and Mathias Schulze. Blowup of conductors. arXiv:1608.04525, 2016. [ file | http ]
- [1]
- Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze. Derivations of negative degree on quasihomogeneous isolated complete intersection singularities. arXiv:1403.3844, 2014. [ file | http ]
Artikel in referierten Zeitschriften
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- Raul Epure and Mathias Schulze. Hypersurface singularities with monomial Jacobian ideal. Bull. London Math. Soc., 54(3):1067--1081, 2022. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Patricio Almirón and Mathias Schulze. Limit spectral distribution for non-degenerate hypersurface singularities. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 360(1):699--710, 2022. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Graham Denham, Delphine Pol, Mathias Schulze, and Uli Walther. Configuration polynomials under contact equivalence. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré D, Online First, 2022. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Graham Denham, Mathias Schulze, and Uli Walther. Matroid connectivity and singularities of configuration hypersurfaces. Lett. Math. Phys., 111(1), 2021. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Graham Denham, Delphine Pol, Mathias Schulze, and Uli Walther. Graph hypersurfaces with torus action and a conjecture of Aluffi. Commun. Number Theory Phys., 15(3):455--488, 2021. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Philipp Korell, Mathias Schulze, and Laura Tozzo. Duality on value semigroups. J. Commut. Algebra, 11(1):81--129, 2019. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Raul Epure and Mathias Schulze. A Saito criterion for holonomic divisors. Manuscripta Math., 160(1-2):1--8, 2019. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Xia Liao and Mathias Schulze. A cohomological interpretation of derivations on graded algebras. Beitr. Algebra Geom., 59(1):77--100, 2018. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze. Deforming monomial space curves into set-theoretic complete intersection singularities. J. Singul., 17:413--427, 2018. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Xia Liao and Mathias Schulze. Quasihomogeneous free divisors with only normal crossings in codimension one. Math. Res. Lett., 24(5):1477--1496, 2017. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Mathias Schulze. On Saito's normal crossing condition. J. Singul., 14:124--147, 2016. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze. Quasihomogeneity of Curves and the Jacobian Endomorphism Ring. Comm. Algebra, 43(2):861--870, 2015. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Janko Böhm, Wolfram Decker, and Mathias Schulze. Local analysis of Grauert-Remmert-type normalization algorithms. Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 24(1):69--94, 2014. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze. Normal crossing properties of complex hypersurfaces via logarithmic residues. Compos. Math., 150(9):1607--1622, 2014. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [29]
- David Mond and Mathias Schulze. Adjoint divisors and free divisors. J. Sing., 7:253--274, 2013. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- G. Denham, H. Schenck, M. Schulze, M. Wakefield, and U. Walther. Local cohomology of logarithmic forms. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 63(3):1177--1203, 2013. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [27]
- Graham Denham and Mathias Schulze. Complexes, duality and Chern classes of logarithmic forms along hyperplane arrangements. In Arrangements of hyperplanes---Sapporo 2009, volume 62 of Adv. Stud. Pure Math., pages 27--57. Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2012. [ file ]
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- Mathias Schulze. Freeness and multirestriction of hyperplane arrangements. Compos. Math., 148(3):799--806, 2012. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Graham Denham, Mehdi Garrousian, and Mathias Schulze. A geometric deletion-restriction formula. Adv. Math., 230(4-6):1979--1994, 2012. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Mathias Schulze and Uli Walther. Resonance equals reducibility for A-hypergeometric systems. Algebra Number Theory, 6(3):527--537, 2012. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [23]
- Michel Granger, David Mond, and Mathias Schulze. Partial normalizations of Coxeter arrangements and discriminants. Mosc. Math. J., 12(2):335--367, 460--461, 2012. [ file ]
- [22]
- Mathias Schulze. Normal crossings in codimension one. Oberwolfach Rep., 9(3):2850--2851, 2012. Abstracts from the workshop “Singularities” held September 23--29, 2012, Organized by András Némethi, Duco van Straten and Victor Vassiliev. [ http ]
- [21]
- Michel Granger, David Mond, and Mathias Schulze. Free divisors in prehomogeneous vector spaces. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3), 102(5):923--950, 2011. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [20]
- Mathias Schulze. A solvability criterion for the Lie algebra of derivations of a fat point. J. Algebra, 323(10):2916--2921, 2010. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [19]
- Mathias Schulze. Logarithmic comparison theorem versus Gauss-Manin system for isolated singularities. Adv. Geom., 10(4):699--708, 2010. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [18]
- Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze. On the symmetry of b-functions of linear free divisors. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 46(3):479--506, 2010. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [17]
- Mathias Schulze and Uli Walther. Cohen-Macaulayness and computation of Newton graded toric rings. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 213(8):1522--1535, 2009. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Michel Granger, David Mond, Alicia Nieto-Reyes, and Mathias Schulze. Linear free divisors and the global logarithmic comparison theorem. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 59(2):811--850, 2009. [ file | http ]
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- Mathias Schulze and Uli Walther. Hypergeometric D-modules and twisted Gauß-Manin systems. J. Algebra, 322(9):3392--3409, 2009. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze. Initial logarithmic Lie algebras of hypersurface singularities. J. Lie Theory, 19(2):209--221, 2009. [ file ]
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- Mathias Schulze and Uli Walther. Irregularity of hypergeometric systems via slopes along coordinate subspaces. Duke Math. J., 142(3):465--509, 2008. [ DOI | file | http ]
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- Mathias Schulze. Maximal multihomogeneity of algebraic hypersurface singularities. Manuscripta Math., 123(4):373--379, 2007. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [11]
- Mathias Schulze. A criterion for the logarithmic differential operators to be generated by vector fields. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 135(11):3631--3640 (electronic), 2007. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [10]
- Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze. On the formal structure of logarithmic vector fields. Compos. Math., 142(3):765--778, 2006. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [9]
- Michel Granger and Mathias Schulze. Quasihomogeneity of isolated hypersurface singularities and logarithmic cohomology. Manuscripta Math., 121(4):411--416, 2006. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [8]
- Mathias Schulze. Good bases for tame polynomials. J. Symbolic Comput., 39(1):103--126, 2005. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [7]
- Mathias Schulze. A normal form algorithm for the Brieskorn lattice. J. Symbolic Comput., 38(4):1207--1225, 2004. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [6]
- Mathias Schulze. Monodromy of hypersurface singularities. Acta Appl. Math., 75(1-3):3--13, 2003. Monodromy and differential equations (Moscow, 2001). [ DOI | file | http ]
- [5]
- Mathias Schulze. The differential structure of the Brieskorn lattice. In Mathematical software (Beijing, 2002), pages 136--146. World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002. [ file ]
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- Mathias Schulze and Joseph Steenbrink. Computing Hodge-theoretic invariants of singularities. In New developments in singularity theory (Cambridge, 2000), volume 21 of NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., pages 217--233. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001. [ file ]
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- Mathias Schulze. Algorithms for the Gauss-Manin connection. J. Symbolic Comput., 32(5):549--564, 2001. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [2]
- Gert-Martin Greuel, Christoph Lossen, and Mathias Schulze. Three algorithms in algebraic geometry, coding theory and singularity theory. In Applications of algebraic geometry to coding theory, physics and computation (Eilat, 2001), volume 36 of NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., pages 161--194. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001. [ file ]
- [1]
- Jürg Nievergelt, Fabian Maeser, Christoph Wirth, Bernward Mann, Karsten Roeseler, and Mathias Schulze. CRASH! Mathematik und kombinatorisches Chaos prallen aufeinander. Inf. Spektrum, 22(1):45--48, 1999. [ DOI | file | http ]
- [1]
- Wolfram Decker, Gerhard Pfister, and Mathias Schulze, editors. Singularities and computer algebra. Springer, Cham, 2017. Festschrift for Gert-Martin Greuel on the occasion of his 70th birthday. [ http ]